Freinds on Thursday 21st December Unity is running a Charity Evening on behalf of St Theresas.
The plan is to have a fun evening of Beatle Stones and Elvis, where we play the songs live. This is where you all come in. We are inviting you to choose your favourite Beatles, Rolling Stones or Elvis song and play it live on stage. Each act will perform one (or two )song(s), so we're planning on a quick turnaround of personel.
Obviously we can't hope that every member of every band can make it that night so solo artists, bands and some of bands are all welcome.
With the amount of people involved there will be one standard drum kit available for your use. The Unity Bass guitar will be available and a selection of guitars, although you may bring your own instruments.
If you are interested in taking part in this unique event please submit your chosen Beatles, Stones or Elvis song to our office. But be quick your favourite song might be already bagged. As people send in their choices a list will be posted on Unity Rocks
so you can easily see who's going to do what and if your choice has already been taken. It will be regularly updated as and when songs are submitted.
St Theresas has been a favourite and worthwhile cause of Unity for many years. With decreased funding they need our/your help more than ever. We hope you'll join us to support them, and have a lot of fun in the meantime.
Now choose your song and get rehearsing.
Peace Love and Unity
The Unity Team
Andrew Tasha Richard and Mike
Below is a list of those who want to take part (so far):
Yello Snow................No songs chosen yet
Loose baby Charlotte......Sympathy for the Devil (Stones)
Point of Origin...........No Songs chosen yet
Rich & Chopper............No Songs chosen yet
Sacred Heart..............No Songs chosen yet
John Litchfield.......... Patch it up(Elvis) & Suspicious minds (Elvis)
Rory Kelly & Mike Da Hat..Angie (stones) & Norwegian Wood (Beatles)
Julian Stone ....... Love me Tender (Elvis)
Remember people we can't have 20 acts all doing the same song so first come first served in choosing the song you'd like to perform. Check here to see if anyone has already taken it. Cheers.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday 28th September 2006
We got ourselves some Librarians in the house. Who were very patient while the power went off. In fact they kept on playing acoustically for a while. Now that's professionalism for you. Either that or they're like the Duracell bunnies when you switch them on you can't stop them. No power cuts, darkness, nothing will stop these guys from their quest to entertain. Brilliant.
We've been waiting a long time to get these next dudes on stage at Unity and finally it happened. Well worth the wait. if you missed them, I'm sorry but you missed a treat. But you can still check them out here and have a listen.

Good Golly Miss Molly, we're really excited about the up and coming Zodiac Party on the 7th October. That's a Saturday BTW. We've got the fabulous Tarantism headlining, also headlining the incomparable MrZed then, fresh from saving the world, our very good friend Corneilius, we can't keep these boys away it seems we've secured the services of Radicus again. Finally the fifth headlining band (yes they're all headliners as far as we're concerned) Our very good friends Buckle St. They can run but they can't hide. They thought they'd sneak off to London but we're dragging them back kicking and screaming to play for you. DJ's for the event will be DJ Lookwood, Urb and Hawkeye. Can you possibly cope with so much excitement?
Take it easy dudes
The Unity Team

Good Golly Miss Molly, we're really excited about the up and coming Zodiac Party on the 7th October. That's a Saturday BTW. We've got the fabulous Tarantism headlining, also headlining the incomparable MrZed then, fresh from saving the world, our very good friend Corneilius, we can't keep these boys away it seems we've secured the services of Radicus again. Finally the fifth headlining band (yes they're all headliners as far as we're concerned) Our very good friends Buckle St. They can run but they can't hide. They thought they'd sneak off to London but we're dragging them back kicking and screaming to play for you. DJ's for the event will be DJ Lookwood, Urb and Hawkeye. Can you possibly cope with so much excitement?
Take it easy dudes
The Unity Team
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Thursday 21st September 2006
Greetings Hedonists and lovers of life. I'm back in the Unity office just a little bit shaken from a health scare. What that exactly means is unlike you young dudes I can no longer persue my life with the abandon of a 20 year old. So no more Ket for me, no more coke, H, speed, weed or any other form of artificial stimulants, no more crawling into bed at stupid oclock after comsuming far to much Jack Daniels. I'm going to leave that to all you lovely people if that's what you want to do. Talking of lovely people here's some of you. Including my good friend Dan Bonham whose birthday it was last Thursday. You may recognise him as the lead singer with the Waheys.
Here we go. I'm in my stride now and here is young Tom Obrien with his new sound made possible by the assistance of the ever reserved Nick.
They don't come meaner than Loop the modfathers of rock. Actually those Loop guys aren't really mean. They are actually nice guys in disguise only worried about whether I'm gonna make them look fat in photographs.
By eck and ecky thump it's those Radicus boys again. I say again because they played a blinding set at the grass roots festival earlier in the year. Fast and furious.
Well here at Unity towers we've had to rearrange the desks. Business is booming and we've lots to do in the Unity Office. Bands to interview, letters to write and gigs to organise. We've got loads of new acts in the pipeline and quite a few old favourites. You can get a sneak preview of some acts we've already booked by having a peek here. Now if I can just persuade Shaggy and Tasha to go back to their own desks instead of leaning over my shoulder saying "write this " and "You should say that" we can get on.
Take it easy mes Enfants
Mike Da Hat (back in the Unity Office)
PS If you've photos of the Muddy gig l;ast Saturday and you'd like to see them on the site send them to the office via my link. Cheers.

Take it easy mes Enfants
Mike Da Hat (back in the Unity Office)
PS If you've photos of the Muddy gig l;ast Saturday and you'd like to see them on the site send them to the office via my link. Cheers.
What's on this week
Greetings elvish ones and elvis ones!
Big thanks to all of you who made the Grassroots Equinox Party so much fun - all of the acts put on superb performances, eclectic ballroom and deep roots had downstairs rocking, and the vibe was looverly! Now looking forward to the Libra Party on 7th October, with Tarantism making a return visit to the boro as part of a kick-a*s line-up!
Our shout outs also go to the Twit Twoo bods (you may remember them as Sam and Nikki , residing in the psychedelically decorated tent near the food stalls at Grassroots this summer). Twit Twoo is a magazine of stuff for people of all ages, full of wisdom and thoughtful word that make you grin. Check out their website at where you will also be able to find details of the magazine.
So without further ado what's on this week?
Tonight the Mr Zed posse are taking over the Cambridge Junction to give you 5 acts for £5. Joining the Zed will be clown-core genius Ed Cox , Opaque , Skellington Stef and Vacuum on Vacuum . Doors open at 8pm and it will be a wicked night.
Meanwhile at the Glass Onion it's soapbox night - your chance to have a mass debate in public. It all got very passionate last week. Starts around 7:30 pm.
Pixie Folke club open mic and jam session is in Lisboa on Wednesday night from 8:30. It's free entrance so bring your instruments, your ears, your friends and your positive vibes.
Thursday is time for Unity. This week we have two great bands for your listening pleasure. Loose Baby Charlotte are a very tight and professional sounding local indie act, and The Librarians are an up and coming young alt-rock band with strong folk and country influence. The Unity jam session will open the night from 8pm and DJ Urb will take things through to the early hours. Entrance is £2/£1 to Muddy members.
The Glass Onion has it's cinema night on as well so if you fancy something a little quieter you know where to go.
Contact return to Lisboa on Friday with an amazing line-up of electronic weirdness. I-tal tek (Planet Mu/Wrong Music) is on the bill alongside Soundhacker (live PA - Cactus Island records) and Sys-Ex (Inceptive records) plus much much more. Doors open at 9pm and kick out time is 4:30 am. For more details visit
Meanwhile its open mic night down the road in the Glass Onion, bring your tunes with you!
It's time for drum and bass in The Park on Saturday night courtesty of Bass Camp, with DJ Hazard (Ganja Records) and True Playaz at Fabric and local boy Scar Red (System Abuse) alongside Bass Camp regulars and residents.
For a live option check out the Punk Club at Lisboa, doors open 8pm and you'll get a healthy serving of three live punk bands and DJ's. Entrance is £3.
Alternatively the Met Lounge is hosting one of our favourite local bands Columbian Necktie (along with Sennah and headliners Brigade , who feature Charlie from Busted's brother.......what a claim to cost £6 in advance. Message the Necktie on myspace for tickets.
Time to chill out with the Deep Roots bods from 6pm on Sunday. The BBQ in the garden will be crackling away and the DJ's will be serving up laid back Sunday night grooves to set you up for the week ahead. Entrance is free.
....and Finally
Our friend Lea from St Ives has just set up an internet based T-Shirt company with some wickedly funny stuff on it - check it out....but be warned there is some amusingly offensive stuff going on here:
Anyhoo, till next time - peace love unity and respect.
Big thanks to all of you who made the Grassroots Equinox Party so much fun - all of the acts put on superb performances, eclectic ballroom and deep roots had downstairs rocking, and the vibe was looverly! Now looking forward to the Libra Party on 7th October, with Tarantism making a return visit to the boro as part of a kick-a*s line-up!
Our shout outs also go to the Twit Twoo bods (you may remember them as Sam and Nikki , residing in the psychedelically decorated tent near the food stalls at Grassroots this summer). Twit Twoo is a magazine of stuff for people of all ages, full of wisdom and thoughtful word that make you grin. Check out their website at where you will also be able to find details of the magazine.
So without further ado what's on this week?
Tonight the Mr Zed posse are taking over the Cambridge Junction to give you 5 acts for £5. Joining the Zed will be clown-core genius Ed Cox , Opaque , Skellington Stef and Vacuum on Vacuum . Doors open at 8pm and it will be a wicked night.
Meanwhile at the Glass Onion it's soapbox night - your chance to have a mass debate in public. It all got very passionate last week. Starts around 7:30 pm.
Pixie Folke club open mic and jam session is in Lisboa on Wednesday night from 8:30. It's free entrance so bring your instruments, your ears, your friends and your positive vibes.
Thursday is time for Unity. This week we have two great bands for your listening pleasure. Loose Baby Charlotte are a very tight and professional sounding local indie act, and The Librarians are an up and coming young alt-rock band with strong folk and country influence. The Unity jam session will open the night from 8pm and DJ Urb will take things through to the early hours. Entrance is £2/£1 to Muddy members.
The Glass Onion has it's cinema night on as well so if you fancy something a little quieter you know where to go.
Contact return to Lisboa on Friday with an amazing line-up of electronic weirdness. I-tal tek (Planet Mu/Wrong Music) is on the bill alongside Soundhacker (live PA - Cactus Island records) and Sys-Ex (Inceptive records) plus much much more. Doors open at 9pm and kick out time is 4:30 am. For more details visit
Meanwhile its open mic night down the road in the Glass Onion, bring your tunes with you!
It's time for drum and bass in The Park on Saturday night courtesty of Bass Camp, with DJ Hazard (Ganja Records) and True Playaz at Fabric and local boy Scar Red (System Abuse) alongside Bass Camp regulars and residents.
For a live option check out the Punk Club at Lisboa, doors open 8pm and you'll get a healthy serving of three live punk bands and DJ's. Entrance is £3.
Alternatively the Met Lounge is hosting one of our favourite local bands Columbian Necktie (along with Sennah and headliners Brigade , who feature Charlie from Busted's brother.......what a claim to cost £6 in advance. Message the Necktie on myspace for tickets.
Time to chill out with the Deep Roots bods from 6pm on Sunday. The BBQ in the garden will be crackling away and the DJ's will be serving up laid back Sunday night grooves to set you up for the week ahead. Entrance is free.
....and Finally
Our friend Lea from St Ives has just set up an internet based T-Shirt company with some wickedly funny stuff on it - check it out....but be warned there is some amusingly offensive stuff going on here:
Anyhoo, till next time - peace love unity and respect.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Potters wheel
Mike Da Hat (unity photographer) has phoned in sick. He has the lurgy. No doubt photos from last nights Unity will be posted as soon as he's better.
Meanwhile don't forget tomorrow nights Muddy extravangaza with more acts on stage than you can shake a ecologically friendly stick at. It's all happening at Bar Lisboa Lincoln Road. Upstairs and Downstairs will be open for your entertainment pleasure. Doors open really early and shut really late so there's no excuse.
Peace love and unending joy
The Unity Team
Meanwhile don't forget tomorrow nights Muddy extravangaza with more acts on stage than you can shake a ecologically friendly stick at. It's all happening at Bar Lisboa Lincoln Road. Upstairs and Downstairs will be open for your entertainment pleasure. Doors open really early and shut really late so there's no excuse.
Peace love and unending joy
The Unity Team
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
What's on this week
Greetings pixies and pogues!
The busy-ness continues for the Muddy camp this week, with the Onion remaining open through the week for the first time ever and the Grassroots Equinox Party happening this Saturday!
It's just over a year since Muddy Promotions first sprang into being and it's certainly been an eventful first year full of firsts. The indoor Grassroots events which brought a team of people together on one project for the first time, the first Grassroots Festival, community projects such as the interactive arts tents at Gladstone Connect's fete and the council's Party in the Park, and now the opening of the Glass Onion Music and Arts Community Centre. So much good stuff going on it's hard to keep up with it all!
It's also time for a big thanks to all of you wonderful people who've made all of these things happen, for your support, your positivity and your creativity.
What will the next year bring?
Who knows? We can know what to expect in the week ahead though:
The Comet on Garton End Road, Dogsthorpe is still running it's open mic/jam sessions every Tuesday. The fun begins at 8pm and entrance is free.
The Glass Onion is hosting its trialling its first "soapbox" night, an open forum for rants, speeches, debates and questions. Entrance is free.
Wednesday night is time for the Pixie Folke jam session at Lisboa (24 Lincoln Road) and open mic (apparently) hosted by James Chadwick. Doors open at 8pm and entrance is free.
The Glass Onion is hosting its first "Cross-Cultural" night. These nights will explore the music of a different nation each week, as well as showcasing social and historical information on that nation. Entrance is free.
This week's Unity brings local punk heroes Radicus to the Unity stage. Also on the bill are mod-fathers Loop and up and coming acoustic performer Tom O'Brien. The Unity jam session will start things off from 8pm and the event is held in Lisboa. Entrance is only £1 to Muddy members, or £2 otherwise.
Thursday is also time for the Glass Onion's film night. Each week the residents of the night choose one film to watch and the others are to be chosen by collective decision on the night. This week's residents' choice is Spaceballs.
Meanwhile the down the road in Stamford Columbian Necktie are playing at the Quayholes - if you're in the area be sure to check it out.
This Friday Opaque are taking over the Brewery Tap for a top class triple bill of music. The local folktronic boys will be joined by the amazing Tallulah Rendall and the 11 piece hip-hop explosion Lazy Habits . Entrance is free before 10pm so get there early (it'll cost you £3 afterwards).
Meanwhile round the corner in The Park, Just What You Want promotions are bringing metal stars Gutworm into the boro, with local support from Matricyde, Khalo and Early Grave. Doors open at 7:30 and the first band start at 7:50. Entrance is £4 otd.
It's also time for the Glass Onion's weekly acoustic open mic - this week hosted by Harry. Entrance is free and music is 8pm till 1am.
Further afield and on a very different tip Yardcore is taking over The Telegraph, Brixton Hill, London for a night of dubstep, breakas, jungle, breakcore, electronica, d&b, gabba, dancehall and hardcore spread over 2 rooms. Included on the large and diverse line-up are N-Ziq, Hellfish, Bong Ra and Monkey Steak. Entrance is £10 and doors are open from 9pm till 6am.
Saturday is time for the Grassroots Equinox Party at Lisboa. This is the first time the Grassroots team have come together since the success of the Grassroots Festival in June of this year, and is set to be huge. Both floors of Lisboa will be open, with the downstairs being taken over by the bods from Eclectic Ballroom and Deep Roots to bring you funk, soul, reggae, hip-hop, ambient and generally laid back and funky grooves to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Food will also be on sale downstairs.
Upstairs a HUGE line-up is on offer - including dub heroes Nucleus Roots fresh from their European festival tour, Hamfatter (who headlined the main stage at Strawberry Fair this year), breaks wonders Stylus Rex (Punk Funk records) and drum and bass geniuses Khanage and Lethal (Offkey records/Ohm Resistance/System Abuse) amongst much much more.
This is a 16 hour event running from 1pm till 5am so get a good night's sleep before heading down. Entrance is only £5 if you arrive before 2:30pm as well (afterwards it's £8/£7 with a Muddy membership card).
The full line-up and timings for upstairs are:
13:30:00 DJ Urb
14:45:00 Nick Thompson
15:15:00 Columbian Necktie
16:10:00 Jules Morgan
16:45:00 Yello Snow
17:40:00 John Litchfield
18:10:00 Silverspace
19:00:00 Rich and Chops
19:40:00 Eske
20:30:00 Heather mcVey
21:05:00 Hamfatter
22:05:00 James Chadwick
22:40:00 Nucleus Roots
23:40:00 Stylus Rex
01:10:00 Khanage and Lethal
02:40:00 Instinct
04:00:00 Local
Be sure not to miss out - this is going to be a party to remember!
If you've still got any life left after all that bizzle check out Deep Roots on Sunday night in Lisboa from 6pm, with a free bbq in the back garden to see things off in style.
....and Finally
While we are having fun at the Grassroots Equinox Party, the Stop the War campaign is demonstrating for a withdrawal from Iraq in Manchester outside the labout party conference. Please remember to show your support for the things you believe in - this is supposed to be a democracy and without interaction our freedom will continue to be removed.
Till next time - peace love unity and respect.
The busy-ness continues for the Muddy camp this week, with the Onion remaining open through the week for the first time ever and the Grassroots Equinox Party happening this Saturday!
It's just over a year since Muddy Promotions first sprang into being and it's certainly been an eventful first year full of firsts. The indoor Grassroots events which brought a team of people together on one project for the first time, the first Grassroots Festival, community projects such as the interactive arts tents at Gladstone Connect's fete and the council's Party in the Park, and now the opening of the Glass Onion Music and Arts Community Centre. So much good stuff going on it's hard to keep up with it all!
It's also time for a big thanks to all of you wonderful people who've made all of these things happen, for your support, your positivity and your creativity.
What will the next year bring?
Who knows? We can know what to expect in the week ahead though:
The Comet on Garton End Road, Dogsthorpe is still running it's open mic/jam sessions every Tuesday. The fun begins at 8pm and entrance is free.
The Glass Onion is hosting its trialling its first "soapbox" night, an open forum for rants, speeches, debates and questions. Entrance is free.
Wednesday night is time for the Pixie Folke jam session at Lisboa (24 Lincoln Road) and open mic (apparently) hosted by James Chadwick. Doors open at 8pm and entrance is free.
The Glass Onion is hosting its first "Cross-Cultural" night. These nights will explore the music of a different nation each week, as well as showcasing social and historical information on that nation. Entrance is free.
This week's Unity brings local punk heroes Radicus to the Unity stage. Also on the bill are mod-fathers Loop and up and coming acoustic performer Tom O'Brien. The Unity jam session will start things off from 8pm and the event is held in Lisboa. Entrance is only £1 to Muddy members, or £2 otherwise.
Thursday is also time for the Glass Onion's film night. Each week the residents of the night choose one film to watch and the others are to be chosen by collective decision on the night. This week's residents' choice is Spaceballs.
Meanwhile the down the road in Stamford Columbian Necktie are playing at the Quayholes - if you're in the area be sure to check it out.
This Friday Opaque are taking over the Brewery Tap for a top class triple bill of music. The local folktronic boys will be joined by the amazing Tallulah Rendall and the 11 piece hip-hop explosion Lazy Habits . Entrance is free before 10pm so get there early (it'll cost you £3 afterwards).
Meanwhile round the corner in The Park, Just What You Want promotions are bringing metal stars Gutworm into the boro, with local support from Matricyde, Khalo and Early Grave. Doors open at 7:30 and the first band start at 7:50. Entrance is £4 otd.
It's also time for the Glass Onion's weekly acoustic open mic - this week hosted by Harry. Entrance is free and music is 8pm till 1am.
Further afield and on a very different tip Yardcore is taking over The Telegraph, Brixton Hill, London for a night of dubstep, breakas, jungle, breakcore, electronica, d&b, gabba, dancehall and hardcore spread over 2 rooms. Included on the large and diverse line-up are N-Ziq, Hellfish, Bong Ra and Monkey Steak. Entrance is £10 and doors are open from 9pm till 6am.
Saturday is time for the Grassroots Equinox Party at Lisboa. This is the first time the Grassroots team have come together since the success of the Grassroots Festival in June of this year, and is set to be huge. Both floors of Lisboa will be open, with the downstairs being taken over by the bods from Eclectic Ballroom and Deep Roots to bring you funk, soul, reggae, hip-hop, ambient and generally laid back and funky grooves to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Food will also be on sale downstairs.
Upstairs a HUGE line-up is on offer - including dub heroes Nucleus Roots fresh from their European festival tour, Hamfatter (who headlined the main stage at Strawberry Fair this year), breaks wonders Stylus Rex (Punk Funk records) and drum and bass geniuses Khanage and Lethal (Offkey records/Ohm Resistance/System Abuse) amongst much much more.
This is a 16 hour event running from 1pm till 5am so get a good night's sleep before heading down. Entrance is only £5 if you arrive before 2:30pm as well (afterwards it's £8/£7 with a Muddy membership card).
The full line-up and timings for upstairs are:
13:30:00 DJ Urb
14:45:00 Nick Thompson
15:15:00 Columbian Necktie
16:10:00 Jules Morgan
16:45:00 Yello Snow
17:40:00 John Litchfield
18:10:00 Silverspace
19:00:00 Rich and Chops
19:40:00 Eske
20:30:00 Heather mcVey
21:05:00 Hamfatter
22:05:00 James Chadwick
22:40:00 Nucleus Roots
23:40:00 Stylus Rex
01:10:00 Khanage and Lethal
02:40:00 Instinct
04:00:00 Local
Be sure not to miss out - this is going to be a party to remember!
If you've still got any life left after all that bizzle check out Deep Roots on Sunday night in Lisboa from 6pm, with a free bbq in the back garden to see things off in style.
....and Finally
While we are having fun at the Grassroots Equinox Party, the Stop the War campaign is demonstrating for a withdrawal from Iraq in Manchester outside the labout party conference. Please remember to show your support for the things you believe in - this is supposed to be a democracy and without interaction our freedom will continue to be removed.
Till next time - peace love unity and respect.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Thursday 14th September 2006
Due to technical difficulties, i.e our left hand didn't know what our right hand was doing, Sacred Heart didn't play as advertised.Nor did Irene Rae but she had a proper excuse. So this week we had an extended jam session. Led by the fabulous Rion Zion of Silverspace and the silver tongued Richard. You know it was so good that people would pay good money just to hear a jam session of that quality without realising it was a jam session at all. Actually some of you did pay good money (ablbeit a paltry sum of £2) which reminds me does anyone want a job? We pay top dollar, for right joe, an we love you long time. Shaggy needs help fleecing the punters... er.. I mean collecting the door money. We will pay two pints of the finest polish lager to anyone who wants to help. But it's not the money is it? No sirree Bob. It's the thrill of being part of the team. Your social standing will go through the roof. Win friends, influence people, score with the opposite sex the sky is the limit. All the lovely people will admire you. Talking of lovely people here you are...
Here he comes to save the day. Our very good friend Corneilius. Fresh from saving the world from itself, with his own brand of protest humour.
It's been a long time since Wake played Unity. They been busy little beavers writing new songs to entertain you and getting ready to record their new Extended Player, which is going to happen soon. You may have noticed a slight lack of colour this week in the photos. That's because Ross of Wake fancied the black and white approach. He's getting all classical and mysterious. Anyway we thought we'd try taking ALL* the pictures in B&W this week in his honour.
..and there's a few more of the loyal fans.
Until next time ... er... rock on dudes
*except for the one shot of Rion Zion

Here he comes to save the day. Our very good friend Corneilius. Fresh from saving the world from itself, with his own brand of protest humour.

Until next time ... er... rock on dudes
*except for the one shot of Rion Zion
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Muddy News
Dear lovely humanoids and all other carbon based life forms
After a hectic August on tour including festival gigs at Secret Garden, Small World, Bestival, Pink and pub/club gigs in Brighton, newquay, oxford etc there is lots to tell you about the end of September. Including the opening of The Glass Onion Music & Arts Community Centre on Saturday 16th.
Also on Friday 29th September we are playing for Alan McGee (founder of Creation Records, discoverer of Oasis and currently running the Poptones record label and managing Dirty Pretty Things). We are headlining the Queen is Dead club at The Borderline (The Orange Yard, London, WC2). The performance will include live visuals from Mr Zed who we'll be playing with at The Junction in Cambridge on Tues 26th Sept, as well as street theatre and of course the music. I have 15 free tickets left to give away on a first come first serve basis but be aware that they are going fast.
So here's the list of events for you to sift through and I have attached
flyers for those who are interested.
Fri 15th Sept – Acoustic night at The Glass Onion (Opaque Acoustic)
Sat 16th Sept – The GlassOnion Music & Arts Community Centre
Fri 22nd Sept – The Brewery Tap – Peterboro
Opaque + Lazy Habits + Tallulah Rendall
Sat 23rd Sept – Muddy Promotions Equinox Party – Lisboa Bar, Peterboro
(no Opaque but a damn fine paty)
Tues 26th Sept – The Junction – Cambridge
Wed 27th Sept – The Blag Club – Nottinghill, London.
(Opaque Acoustic)
Fri 29th Sept - The Queen in Dead – The Borderline - The Orange Yard,
London, WC2
Industry Showcase gig, free tickets available.
If you've made it to the bottom of this mailout then I commend you and hope
to see you soon.
Peace out
After a hectic August on tour including festival gigs at Secret Garden, Small World, Bestival, Pink and pub/club gigs in Brighton, newquay, oxford etc there is lots to tell you about the end of September. Including the opening of The Glass Onion Music & Arts Community Centre on Saturday 16th.
Also on Friday 29th September we are playing for Alan McGee (founder of Creation Records, discoverer of Oasis and currently running the Poptones record label and managing Dirty Pretty Things). We are headlining the Queen is Dead club at The Borderline (The Orange Yard, London, WC2). The performance will include live visuals from Mr Zed who we'll be playing with at The Junction in Cambridge on Tues 26th Sept, as well as street theatre and of course the music. I have 15 free tickets left to give away on a first come first serve basis but be aware that they are going fast.
So here's the list of events for you to sift through and I have attached
flyers for those who are interested.
Fri 15th Sept – Acoustic night at The Glass Onion (Opaque Acoustic)
Sat 16th Sept – The GlassOnion Music & Arts Community Centre
Fri 22nd Sept – The Brewery Tap – Peterboro
Opaque + Lazy Habits + Tallulah Rendall
Sat 23rd Sept – Muddy Promotions Equinox Party – Lisboa Bar, Peterboro
(no Opaque but a damn fine paty)
Tues 26th Sept – The Junction – Cambridge
Wed 27th Sept – The Blag Club – Nottinghill, London.
(Opaque Acoustic)
Fri 29th Sept - The Queen in Dead – The Borderline - The Orange Yard,
London, WC2
Industry Showcase gig, free tickets available.
If you've made it to the bottom of this mailout then I commend you and hope
to see you soon.
Peace out
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
What's on this week
Greetings people of substance and texture!
Its the BIG BIG week for the Glass Onion Community Music and Arts Centre this week! After much work by so many the doors are finally officially opening to the public for good as of this Friday morning! It's gonna be a whole lot of fun.
We have old friends from festival times journeying across the country for this weekend so it should be a very special time for us all.
I'm going to use this mailout to keep you informed of the events external to the Onion and will send one specifically about activities on offer at the Onion this weekend tomorrow.
Wednesday night is time for the Pixie Folke to gather at Lisboa (24 Lincoln Road) for acoustic jamming and open mic (presented by James Chadwick ). Entrance is free and doors are 8pm till late.
This week Unity at Lisboa has another great line-up. Wake are old unity favourites who haven't graced the Unity platform in some time so we are all looking forward greatly to welcoming them back and seeing what new stuff they may spring on us. Also in the house will be Sacred Heart - who bring a classic rock sound with original material espousing mandelbrot harmony. Entrance is only £1 to Muddy members (£2 otherwise) and doors open at 8pm. Rumour has it that Corneilius is going to be in the city so we may find ourselves in the pleasure of his tunes too.
On Friday night the wonderful Point Seven Pistol (just back from Germany) are playing in the Brewery Tap, with support act tbc. Music will begin at around 9:30 and entrance is £3 after 10pm, free before.
Of course the acoustic night at the Glass Onion promising to be a belter on the week of the offical opening. Entrance there is free all day and all night and shut down time is 1am. If you would like to play on the night please reply to this mail.
Saturday night will bring something very different to the Onion. Details to follow.
For the late night crews Dizzy Funk present a night of deep house grooves with resident DJ's as well as guests from SAS and Hanky Panky. Entrance is only £3 and doors are open 9pm till 5am.
The Brewery Tap have a new addition to their list of promotions this Saturday. "Something Missing" aims to provide the most influential sounds of the last 50 years. Entrance is free all night and music starts around 9:30 pm.
Sunday is the time for the city to chill down in various bars.
Deep Roots opens in Lisboa at 6pm with laid back beats and grooves to chill you out and mellow your mind. There is also a BBQ in the garden provided free of charge by the Lisboa management.
....and Finally....
Actualy there is no finality about this....much more to follow.........
Peace love unity and respect.
Its the BIG BIG week for the Glass Onion Community Music and Arts Centre this week! After much work by so many the doors are finally officially opening to the public for good as of this Friday morning! It's gonna be a whole lot of fun.
We have old friends from festival times journeying across the country for this weekend so it should be a very special time for us all.
I'm going to use this mailout to keep you informed of the events external to the Onion and will send one specifically about activities on offer at the Onion this weekend tomorrow.
Wednesday night is time for the Pixie Folke to gather at Lisboa (24 Lincoln Road) for acoustic jamming and open mic (presented by James Chadwick ). Entrance is free and doors are 8pm till late.
This week Unity at Lisboa has another great line-up. Wake are old unity favourites who haven't graced the Unity platform in some time so we are all looking forward greatly to welcoming them back and seeing what new stuff they may spring on us. Also in the house will be Sacred Heart - who bring a classic rock sound with original material espousing mandelbrot harmony. Entrance is only £1 to Muddy members (£2 otherwise) and doors open at 8pm. Rumour has it that Corneilius is going to be in the city so we may find ourselves in the pleasure of his tunes too.
On Friday night the wonderful Point Seven Pistol (just back from Germany) are playing in the Brewery Tap, with support act tbc. Music will begin at around 9:30 and entrance is £3 after 10pm, free before.
Of course the acoustic night at the Glass Onion promising to be a belter on the week of the offical opening. Entrance there is free all day and all night and shut down time is 1am. If you would like to play on the night please reply to this mail.
Saturday night will bring something very different to the Onion. Details to follow.
For the late night crews Dizzy Funk present a night of deep house grooves with resident DJ's as well as guests from SAS and Hanky Panky. Entrance is only £3 and doors are open 9pm till 5am.
The Brewery Tap have a new addition to their list of promotions this Saturday. "Something Missing" aims to provide the most influential sounds of the last 50 years. Entrance is free all night and music starts around 9:30 pm.
Sunday is the time for the city to chill down in various bars.
Deep Roots opens in Lisboa at 6pm with laid back beats and grooves to chill you out and mellow your mind. There is also a BBQ in the garden provided free of charge by the Lisboa management.
....and Finally....
Actualy there is no finality about this....much more to follow.........
Peace love unity and respect.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Unity really does rock!
There's always lessons to be learnt everyday. Everyday is a learning experience. So it might be worth noting that all you bands out there could do worse than learn from our new friends Jack Brown and The Dead mans Orchestra. I don't mean learn to play because there's some serious talent in the boro. But self promotion. Right from the second Unity gave them the nod that their gig was confirmed, the Dead men went into overdrive publicity wise. Flyers, mailshots, bulletins you name it.A lot of you guys in the audience were the result of all this promotion. So here you all are.
By the way did you notice last night there was a partial eclipse of the moon? You didn't? Good job I took a photo to show you.
So first we have the impossibly tall and entertaining John Litchfield. The guy in the photo montage who isn't John is in fact the fabulous "Captain Slaptastic".
Below we have Jack Brown and The Dead Mans Orchestra. This being their incredibly successful debut gig, and they've already got the photo on the front of the kick drum. Jack tells me they are loking for a second guitarist to fill in their sound a bit. So if you fancy being a Dead Man give them a call.
Finally on our stage tonight. Columbian Necktie who are increasingly good and are rapidly finding a band of loyal supporters. Their website claims them to be "three guys having fun and making a noise". Well it seems a lot of you are appreciating that brand of "noise".
and finally
Friday Night will not be totally quiet.....
Evil Macaroni + Vanilla Pod + Cotton Weary + Radicus.
Upstairs at The Park
Doors open at 8pm.
This is the mighty Evil Macaroni's last ever gig....if you've never run into them before rest assured they are one of the finest punk bands ever to grace the UK's shores - this could get emotional. I'm filling up already.
Entrance is a well deserved £7.
Rock on dudes

So first we have the impossibly tall and entertaining John Litchfield. The guy in the photo montage who isn't John is in fact the fabulous "Captain Slaptastic".

and finally
Friday Night will not be totally quiet.....
Evil Macaroni + Vanilla Pod + Cotton Weary + Radicus.
Upstairs at The Park
Doors open at 8pm.
This is the mighty Evil Macaroni's last ever gig....if you've never run into them before rest assured they are one of the finest punk bands ever to grace the UK's shores - this could get emotional. I'm filling up already.
Entrance is a well deserved £7.
Rock on dudes
Thursday, September 07, 2006
What's on this week
Greetings flurries of happy summer non-snow!
Another late mailout - anyone would think I'm a dirty stinking hippy.... :)
Without further ado lets have a look what's on this week.,
Wednesday is time for Pixie Folke at Lisboa (24 Lincoln Road) with the folk jam and open mic session hosted by James Chadwick as well. Entrance is free and the door times are 8pm till late.
Unity @ Lisboa this week has a seriously kick-ass line-up to present - Columbian Necktie (quirky and weird powerpop type stuff) The Jack Brown & The Dead Man's Orchestra (countryfied grooves and cheerful chucklings) and John Litchfield (tequila soaked acoustic music). The Unity Jam session is in full effect from 8pm onwards and entrance is £2 or £1 to Muddy members. You can download a membership form from and pay on the door if you like (£5 for a year).
Around the corner in the Park the Vortex/Diesel City Promotions are bringing the city this months Ptown Showcase night. The line-up features the last ever gig of metal princes Soretooth - who will be sorely (no pun intended....honest) missed after their extraction from our city's scene. In support will be Quint and The First. Doors open at 8:30 and entrance will cost you £3 or £2.50 with a flyer.
I don't know of anything going on in the boro - quiet night in....?
Peterborough's Point of Origin have been invited to Cambridge's Portland Arms by the fantabulous Mr Zed (Wales reunion anyone??). Also on the bill will be the very obscure Loki 23 Coyote (not to be confused with Peterborough's techno genius Loki 23 - despite the very similar name). If anyone is up for the journey and needs a lift, or even better if you would like to drive and have spaces, please mail Shaggy at
For those returning from Cambridge (and for those who never left) the party of the night is going on at Lisboa, where the Playskool Sound Collective are bringing a night of psy-trance, breaks, house, d&b and harcore to pleasure you through the night (doors 9pm till 5am). Entrance will only set you back £3 so there's no excuse for not having it large with cheese on top :)
Deep Roots/Unity acoustic is still going strong at Lisboa from 6pm on Sundays - with a free BBQ supplied by Lois and Monica (Lisboa management) to fill your bellies and prepare you for the quality music ahead of you. Entrance is free.
...and finally....
Two HUUUGE weekends ahead - the official opening of the Glass Onion Music and Arts Centre next weekend and the Grassroots Equinox Party the weekend after! Hooray.
Till next week - peace love unity and respect.
Another late mailout - anyone would think I'm a dirty stinking hippy.... :)
Without further ado lets have a look what's on this week.,
Wednesday is time for Pixie Folke at Lisboa (24 Lincoln Road) with the folk jam and open mic session hosted by James Chadwick as well. Entrance is free and the door times are 8pm till late.
Unity @ Lisboa this week has a seriously kick-ass line-up to present - Columbian Necktie (quirky and weird powerpop type stuff) The Jack Brown & The Dead Man's Orchestra (countryfied grooves and cheerful chucklings) and John Litchfield (tequila soaked acoustic music). The Unity Jam session is in full effect from 8pm onwards and entrance is £2 or £1 to Muddy members. You can download a membership form from and pay on the door if you like (£5 for a year).
Around the corner in the Park the Vortex/Diesel City Promotions are bringing the city this months Ptown Showcase night. The line-up features the last ever gig of metal princes Soretooth - who will be sorely (no pun intended....honest) missed after their extraction from our city's scene. In support will be Quint and The First. Doors open at 8:30 and entrance will cost you £3 or £2.50 with a flyer.
I don't know of anything going on in the boro - quiet night in....?
Peterborough's Point of Origin have been invited to Cambridge's Portland Arms by the fantabulous Mr Zed (Wales reunion anyone??). Also on the bill will be the very obscure Loki 23 Coyote (not to be confused with Peterborough's techno genius Loki 23 - despite the very similar name). If anyone is up for the journey and needs a lift, or even better if you would like to drive and have spaces, please mail Shaggy at
For those returning from Cambridge (and for those who never left) the party of the night is going on at Lisboa, where the Playskool Sound Collective are bringing a night of psy-trance, breaks, house, d&b and harcore to pleasure you through the night (doors 9pm till 5am). Entrance will only set you back £3 so there's no excuse for not having it large with cheese on top :)
Deep Roots/Unity acoustic is still going strong at Lisboa from 6pm on Sundays - with a free BBQ supplied by Lois and Monica (Lisboa management) to fill your bellies and prepare you for the quality music ahead of you. Entrance is free.
...and finally....
Two HUUUGE weekends ahead - the official opening of the Glass Onion Music and Arts Centre next weekend and the Grassroots Equinox Party the weekend after! Hooray.
Till next week - peace love unity and respect.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006
The Muddy Tour Home Coming
On paper it had to one of the best Unity nights ever, with four great acts on stage. Of course all you lovely people agreed and turned out in force to welcome the returning heros fresh from their world tour. So first, as is becoming customary, here are all you wonderful people
Fresh from the killing fields of Prussia and on stage for your delight and delectation the awesome, the terrifying, the terrible, evil Kaiser Wilhelm II who played you a few tunes.
Racing straight out of the trenches Point of Origin followed the Evil one at a respectful distance.
Here's Opaque with new bass guitarist Chopper so called because he has a big pe pe pe pe personality disorder. So he fits in nicely at Unity then.
Hoorah and hoozar it's those circus boys again
Over on the Unity Myspace we've got this cute little gig guide for you so you can see weeks in advance who's playing. Now summer is just about spent here at Unity Towers we is working really hard to bring you some of the finest music.

Racing straight out of the trenches Point of Origin followed the Evil one at a respectful distance.

Hoorah and hoozar it's those circus boys again

Over on the Unity Myspace we've got this cute little gig guide for you so you can see weeks in advance who's playing. Now summer is just about spent here at Unity Towers we is working really hard to bring you some of the finest music.
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