Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The 30th Peterborough Beer fest

So we toddled over to the beer fest to has a looksee at who's playing. Here's the Brays. Awesome as ever Acer raging on stage to a much bigger audience than usual but just as appreciative.
Finally the big draw of the Festival The Counterfeit Stones. Featuring Nick Dagger, Keef Rickard, Bill Hymen, Charlie Mott and Ronnie B Goode. Brilliant entertainment with all your favourite stones tracks featured.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Display Team

Another glorious victory snatched from the jaws of defeat. With just a few hours to kick both bands due to play on thursday cancelled. However stepping in to save the day The Display Team (formerly known as Mumrah). Fantastic band with loads of energy, particularly the bass player who bounced around the stage like a duracell bunny. We are extremely grateful to The Display Team for travelling at short notice all the way from London and putting on such a fine display.

We're so excited about next weeks gig it's gonna be huge. We're so made up about it we've even got poster for you to look at:

Err guys we made a bit of a whoopsee on the poster it's the 30th not the 31st. But I bet you already guessed that being as you're all so damned clever an all.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Randall Rootz Festival Mk1 Saturday

The crowd was heaving everyone and his dog turned up at The Brewery Tap, I used the term "dog" metaphorically, because there were actually precious few dogs there on the night. So we had a great party atmosphere going with loads of eager anticipation. Angryman were first on stage. There's a brilliance in the simplicity. Just two guitars one strummed and the other put through various effects pedals but played by the guitar virtuoso Steve Bean. Various songs were played against a backing track of Mark Randalls original drum track. The Dead Rabbits with special guests, I forget their names, that's how good I am, any way they were members of the Original Pogues line up one was called Spider or summat. The other? who cares? It was a great night. They raised loads of money for the Sue Ryder Trust.

Unity Thursday 16th August 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Glass Onion 11th August

See stuff does go on around and about this time it was at The Glass Onion, which is a very friendly place. Here at Unity we're big fans of The Glass Onion and even bigger fans of those lovely volounteers who give their time selflessly every week. So all the way from Spalding it's Blue Mary Jane. They got their name from a John Lennon song of a similar name. They're good, a bit of chuck berry vibe a bit of Rock and roll, a bit Rolling Stones and a lot of enthusiasm. Catch them next at Unity in September.Here's the new golden boy on the block. The name on everyones lips. OK maybe not everyone. My mum hasn't even heard of him "Daniel who?". And some of you will know my mum is pretty rock and roll for a 74 year old. She's on first name terms with all the local rockers. Well maybe not all. But there are those in the know, those with their fingers on the pulse, who rate this guy. Daniel Fridholm.
Finally before my head exploded with the excitement of what is the Glass Onion we had "Dirty As Muck" who were launching their new long player that night. Interestingly the drummer alternated between using drum sticks and his bare hands to play drums. Showing a deftness of touch unheard of in your local thrash metal band. Also as a kindness to all those who turned up the band were giving away their new long player for free. You should have seen Lisa squeal with excitement at that one, as she dashed in to score her own copy.

This Thursday we are very excited to tell you we have Barrellass on stage. Those of you who saw them last time will know they are not to be missed.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thursday 9th August 2007

The entertainment goes on, this time with Staceman opening the show. With his oh so powerful and clear voice resonating around the venue through Shaggys new improved speaker system. As if we hadn't enough speakers on the case, he's added a couple more on stands to aid the top end. OK Hands up those who read the evening telegraph review of a few weeks ago where they accused Alpha Red of being "plod rock". Ooops! I bet they loved that. Then he said our sound system was tinny. Yikes. Er hello that's why we've done got some more high end speakers because it wasn't tinny enough. Anyway thanks for the plug in the Evening Telegraph it's always appreciated. I bet The Brackets loved their plug as well. "Jaunty and Riff driven". Fabulous.So those energetic guys from Riot TV were on next. They did a very creditable version of Hendrixs Purple haze with the lead guitarists whizzing up and down his fret board. All he needed to make the scene perfect was set fire to his guitar and play with his teeth. Maybe that's above and beyond the call of duty. Although the bass guitarist did the rock hero bit by slinging his bass guitar off the stage at the end. You don't get much more Rock and Roll than that. Maybe that's when they should have set fire to something. Not that I condone any forms of arson.
Oh those GODs of rock, The Contrast. Super tight set all held together by Fozzys surgically precise drumming. There he is hiding amongst his cymbals. I might as well take this opportunity to mention September 13th. Fozzy is organising a drum extravaganza at Unity. It'll be fantastic. We did it before at The Fiddlers Elbow, I gotta say I was very sceptical at first. But it turned out to be a lot of fun. So we're doing it again, Fozzy is getting the citys best drummers on the case. Rumour has it Paul from Live music. We're hoping Lee from The Brackets. If you want to be part of it get hold of Fozzy not us we're having a short break to tidy up the Unity office.
Next week we're honoured to present to you the .... insert favourite superlatives here... Firegarden. Also for the 1st time at unity all the way from such exotic places as Ramsey and Easfield Road, Andog. Their drummer had the audacity to go on holiday for this gig (it's all about drummers this week isn't it?)so they're playing an acoustic set. Well if Nirvana can play "unplugged" so can Andog.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Shaggys Super Secret Surprise Birthday Party

We like to think it's a testament to how much lurve you have for our main man Shaggy for so many of you to turn up for his Super Secret Surprise Birthday Party. Or was it because we had four class acts performing on our stage? Or was it both? Whatever we had a great time. Just recently we had an email from the BEE BEE CEE asking us who's hot and who's not in the music scene right now. Yeah we're THAT important here at Unity towers. So we had no hesitation at all in recommending the BBC check out our first act on tonight, Pip & Phils Magical Penny. Comic songs played 1920's style with a bit of Flanders and Swann thrown in on Guitar Mandolin and acoustic Bass. Judging by the applause they received I think our recommendation was right on the nail.Our next act on stage Rigo Jancsi. Rigo Jancsi formed late in 2005. Inspired by a story discovered when randomly looking for a chocolate cake recipe. ‘It was scandalous! She was a princess, and he a gypsy prímás called Rigo Jancsi. He played violin at the restaurant while she dined with her husband. Eyes must have met, hearts fluttered.’ The Princess left her husband and gave up everything to live with the gypsy violinist. Great story, great band, who were winners of the 2006 Band of East Anglia competition. What more can we say.
Our very own favourite band Opaque, who were trying out new songs for Shaggys birthday.
I don't know how many times we've said it about bands getting better and better each time they play, but Columbian Necktie are no exception. They started off by taking the piss out of them selves and just having fun. Recently featured in Art & Soul magazine they confirmed that they don't take themselves seriously. Well perhaps they should do because they have matured into a very tight and tidy band giving good return on the entertainment dollar.
And finally..... here's some of you having fun. Top left a little message for our good friend, la petite Francaise, Mél who is now back in France. Come back soon.
Next week the fun continues with Riot TV and The Contrast taking our stage
You can check out The Contrast cos they've been featured in this months Art & Soul Magazine
(That's issue five) also check out the Stretch limo pic. Actually it's a Ford Consul that's been stretched. Cool huh?

That's it for now. We'll be back. Hasta la vista babies