Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The people who made it happen- YOU!

Here's some more pictures from the incredible day that was Muddy Promotions Grass Roots Action Day. And they are all of you... You guys who made it all work. Muddy promotions and Unity thank you all for supporting this good cause. £416.07 was raised by your generosity. Check out Wednesdays Evening Telegraph. They are running a feature on your good work. The money will be sent in aid of the Pakistan Earthquake appeal. Keeping people warm and fed and ALIVE. Thanks to you.

Mariam and Paul Errington

I want to buy you a lot of pretty things and shyly offer them to you one at a time

Kayleigh and Barbi

Rob and Nuala
Richard and Mel
Clare without an i and daughter Hazel.

Abid and Gemma

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