Friday, March 17, 2006

Thursday 16th March 2006

It doesn't get much better than this week at Unity. Elgin returned to our stage with her new band, Ali on Violin, Jimmy on drums and Vince on Harmonica and of course a guest appearence of the legendary James Chadwick on Bass. For some reason our friends formally known as Circus, tonight became "Jukebox", spending time in France does thing to your head apparently. But Vince and the boys were on their usual form despite protestations that they were under rehearsed. They also dragged Alison on stage with her electric violin, which is always a treat.
the night continued with James Chadwick on stage. Starting off with a guitar instrumental named after Jimmys jacket. After that he was inviting everyone on stage, Alison, Vince, Richard, Nathan, Ian and Moony to just join in and have fun.

and just when you think it can't get any better than this, who's next on stage, but Opaque. With new artwork from the Muddy Arts team. Who else turned up on stage? Alison with her Violin. A few weeks ago I suggested that Alison should be used more. I think my comment has been taken to heart. Because she's guested in every act this evening. She'll be catching James up for the total number of guest appearences soon.

Enough enough how much excitement can we stand in one evening? How much excitement can we pack into one evening? Our final act of the night "Flow Motion".


Tonights guest photographer was Shaggy, his mission statement was to take pictures and capture the atmosphere. He interpretted that by saying his theme for the evening was surprise. Surprise and shock. His two themes for the evening was surprise, shock and stealth. His three themes for the night were surprise, shock, stealth and a fanatical desire to destroy reputations.
Judge for yourself....
If anyone is interested in being guest photographer for the evening, speak to Mike Da Hat, choose your own theme.

Rock on Dudes

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