Friday, April 28, 2006

Thursday 27th April 2006

I was worried when I arrived at 9:00pm we didn't have an audience. But the worry was short lived because the people turned up to watch the show. First up after the jam, Irene Rae. Tonight I've been dashing backwards and forwards between Fidds and The Solstice where John Quinn and his band were competeing in the Battle of the bands, against The Gangsters and The Revenue. Meanwhile on our stage we had "Sacred Heart" who played brilliantly accomplished rock. Eat your hearts out.
Finally one time Band of the Year Competitors "Fake Exterior" took the stage. Why weren't they this good in the competition? So much more confidence and style. They're certainly getting better.
OK here's a random picture of Simon who turned up tonight. He didn't even know about Unity until tonight. There's a lesson there for sure. He just happens to be my daughters best friend. Will someone teach him guitar so he stops pestering me to teach him?

Someone once said to me "Shut up!" I think I will now.

Rock on mes enfants Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pixie Skin 26-04-06

You've got to give credit where it's due Terena and Emma have been doing a great job promoting Pixie Skin every month. I've been to every one, and it gets better and better.
Tonight we had a wide variety of acts on stage along with the amazing art exhibits.
Ok from top left going clockwise we had Opaque performing an acoustic set, brilliant as always, then Kate doing a few songs, next we have a problem. John and Jonas who can't decide what they're going to be called it's either "Funky Jonas" or "The Freelance Priests" I'll wait until they decide, Stacy, what can I say? Brilliant as ever playing alongside the lovely Abi. Next continuing the religious theme we have "The Singing Monk" who he tells us was really a monk at one time, and finally on this montage Terena herself on tin whistle with her Daughter? Did I get that right?
Reprising their triumphant gig here a short while ago at the Muddy Promotions gig, "Tarantism" pared down to just two, played a brilliant set.
This is what you've been waiting for pics of all you lovely people who came to Pixie Skin. Amongst others our friend Ed Murphy who hates his photo being taken, John, Claire who has finally got out again, er... not from prison that is, but managed to get a baby sitter. Kizzy, Lisa, Elgin in the back ground somewhere, oh and lots more too numerous to mention. But you know who you are so that's OK then.
Don't forget tonight at Unity we have a change in line up, instead of "Remote State" who have reluctantly had to cancel tonights appearence, we have, at very short notice, the brilliant "Sacred heart" who are stepping out and stepping in to take over the slot. Don't miss it.

Rock on mes enfants

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Moony Speaks

Dear dig dag dog and do

We have a little Opaque stuff and a lot of other stuff in this monthly ramble that I do so badly.

Opaque Gigs

Wed 26th April – Pixie Skin at Lisboa’s, Lincoln Road, P’boro.

Tarantism with support from (Opaque Acoustic)
+Abi and Stacy

Fri 5th May - Portland Arms, Cambridge. (Opaque Acoustic)

Sat 6th May – CB2, Norfolk St, Cambridge. (Opaque Acoustic)

Moony’s Muddy News

GrassRoots Festival

Preparations for the GrassRoots Festival are stepping up a gear so any of you holding back to see if this would fruition then please step forward now. If you have not bought your festival ticket or membership then do hurry as it really is going be something something very special. Visit and feel free to have your say on the forum.

Muddy Arts

Lots of artwork and sculptures have started to appear at The Glass Onion so feel free to come down and make a 6 foot mushroom? Art workshops every Saturday now from 1-5pm. Please contact Luke - for more info.

Glass Onion Music and Arts Centre

As some of you may be aware of we are turning The Glass Onion on Burghley to a music and arts centre with a fair trade café bar. We have now started tidying up the garden so anyone with green fingers or good jokes please come along and shape it into somewhere that you’d like to come and hang out in during those summer evenings. This is a community project so please give a tiny little piece of time and ideas and biscuits always go down well. This is our chance to show Peterborough that the people of this city can make positive change for themselves and have a bloody good craic whilst doing it. You are all invited. Launch Party

Big thanks to those at Cambridge Bands and Hope Street Music for their support. The new cd which features the best selection of local music, does not feature Opaque, but I’m on the cover, which is weird complement?

Thurs 27th April – Cambridge Bands CD Launch Party, The Junction, Cambridge

Includes fellow muddian James Chadwick spinning his sparkling

web of folk. Also lots of other great bands inc Badwell Ash, Free

Love and The Good Plant, The Shivers and so many more.

Very Important Government Information (things is about to get heavy)

The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill.

Makes provision for Government Ministers to bypass normal Parliamentary controls, to reform, repeal any laws without consultation with parliament, and includes all offences up to a two year tarriff, and would make it almost impossible to stop government ministers from enacting any law they like.

For example, they could make it a 23 month mandatory sentence for protesting without a licence or for insulting the flag. This proposed law also applies to itself, so the ministers could alter the law to cover any or all punishment tariffs. There would be no protection to anyone convicted under such a law. It has no place in any country that claims to be a democracy.

Please take a look at this website and find out. And please voice your opinion to your local MP.

For those of you who managed to get to the end of my rant, Thank you. (and for those that didn’t I don’t blame you..

Much love and slight embarrassment for lengthy email.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Coming Week

Greetings snugglebugs and tree-huggers!

This Saturday really felt like summer - as the late great Robert Nestor Marley sang: sun is shining, weather is sweet.

Of course this means that the Grassroots Festival is getting very close indeed. Tickets are quickly running out and there will be no entrance to the festival without a ticket, so if you want to come and be a part of this very special and unique event please contact us or visit the friendly folk at The Glass Onion and ask about tickets/memberships. Membership for a year is only £5 and the festival tickets are only £20 to members - this is for a three day festival with three nights camping offering:

Bands stage
Electronic stage
Acoustic tent (in association with Hope Street)
Cinema/Jazz tent
Chillout space through till morning everyday
Cafe and diverse foods at reasonable prices
Family camping/facilities
Kids field with workshops for kids of all ages

All of this a short drive away from Peterborough in a beautiful location!

Snap up your tickets quick people - and don't forget this is an event for the people by the people so please don't forget to volunteer just a little of your time to help make this event really HAPPEN.

In the meantime of course there a many events to tickle your ears and your fancy, so lets have a look at what's on this week.

As always if you would like to unsubscribe from this list please reply "unsubscribe" to this mail.

One more thing first though, local band Wake are requesting the help of their local fans by visiting
and taking 2 minutes to register and vote for them in this competition that they have entered themselves for.


Chatteris based punky outfit Loop are playing at The Loft in Cambridge this Tuesday night and would appreciate local support bouncing around happily with big grins.

Closer to home the Comet (Garton End Road) is hosting it's open mic & jam night on Tuesday as well.


With the acoustic musicians of our city spoilt for choice this week, Pixie Skin are holding their first night in their new venue (Lisboa) on Wednesday. Headline act will be festival veterans Tarantism in acoustic guise - if you missed these guys at the Grassroots Equinox Party you missed out! Also on the bill are local heros Opaque (also in a scaled down version), Abi & Stacey (of Point of Origin), the Singing Monk and there is also time for an open mic session for anyone who would care to get up and do their thing. Deep Roots and Sunday Skools funkmeister Leigh will be on the decks, and later in the night will be DJ's from Krunch and Playskool sound systems. Doors are 7pm till late and entrance is free before 9pm.

Also on Wednesday is the Xoo Bar's Music Jam night - an open mic session presented by James Chadwick. This week's special guest artist will be London based Sam Beer ( ). Entrance is free and doors open at 8pm.


Unity this week has a very diverse line-up on offer. Acoustic act for the week is the lovely Irene Rae (, one of the city's most promising acoustic acts. The two contrasting bands on this week are metal band The Fake Exterior and alt-rockers The Remote State, who have been causing a considerable response in their short time on the boro's music scene. As always the Unity Jam session will open the night (till 9:30) with a chance for everyone to get involved. Dorrs open at 8:30pm and entrance is free before 9:15.

The Solstice band of the year competition reaches its final on Thursday as well - featuring amongst others the Gangsters. Entrance is free.

A little further afield James Chadwick is playing at The Junction in Cambridge. For more details see


The Juzzt can be seen live at The Cross Keys on Oundle Road on Friday night with their fusion of ska funk mayhem.

An amount of Muddy people are paying a visit to the glorious and magical Synergy Project in London's SeOne club on Friday night. If you've never experienced a Synergy Project event they must be seen to be believed. You can check them out on the web at

For something local and more electronic check out The Audio Collective at Lisboa. Music will be a selection of hard dance, breaks and drum & bass from the resident Dj's and guests. Dorrs are 8pm till 1am and entrance is free (Lisboa's weekly reggae session beginning at 1am and running till 5am).


On Saturday there is an all day music event at The Cherry Tree on Oundle Road. I'm unsure of line-up details at this point but it will be a good day for sure!

In the evening there is an acoustic session in Bogarts hosted by Abi & Stacey of Point of Origin. Irene Rae and James Chadwick will also be making appearances, as well as other special surprise guests on the night. Entrance is free.


Deep Roots are back in Lisboa for another laid back Sunday session to breeze you through to the bank holiday Monday. Doors open mid-afternoon and will be open till late entrance is free.

Bogarts and Gem Bar are combining forces for a two room event starting at 3pm and running till late. Upstairs in Gem bar will be Liquid Drum & Bass, while Bogarts beer garden will host Reggae, Breaks and Hip-Hop. This event is hosted by Strictly Soulful and DJ's will be representing from Speed of Sound, System Abuse, Growsystems, Clear and The Park. Entrance is also free.

Hip-hop promotion Throwdown are also celebrating their second birthday on Sunday night at The Met Lounge. I don't have any details of line-up or ticket entrance at this point but a night of heavy hip-hop and talented MC's is for sure.


The Jolly Brewer in Lincoln is holding the May Day Music Festival for the bank holiday - I don't have further details unfortunately but am sure that a brief search on the world wide wieb will enlighten.

...and finally

Don't forget your Grassroots memberships and tickets before it's too late!

Have a lovely extended weekend.

Peace love unity and respect.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Band Of The Year Heat 6

Here at The Fidds we had Band of the Year again. Three more bands trying for a place in the next semi final meeting "Kulak" and "Rigollo", before competing with Point Of Origin in the Grand final.
First up on stage "Feet First" who scored highly on stage presence and performance. They even had a stand in Bass player who came on at short notice and the original bass player was then promoted to lead guitar.

Following them we had "The Librarians" who had a very original opening soundtrack, but it was only their second ever gig. I liked the sound and the attitude. I could see where they were coming from, but after only one live gig under their belts before this, you had to forgive them. Lots of potential though. They did some nice covers of "The Who" and "Hendrix". Finally on stage "Blankit". These guys had the attitude, the showmanship. They were here to give it everything, and they did. A solid well rehearsed set. Much appreciated.
I saw the final results from the Judges and the Audience vote. I've got to tell you it was a very close run contest. Barely two points between the first and second place, although we don't have losers, because we appreciate everyone who has the nerve to get up on that stage and give it a go. I don't care what anyone says, each band is putting themselves on the line to be judged, and that's got to be hard. What I will say is we all had a great afternoon. We enjoyed each and every band, winners or not winners.
We had a photoshoot after the competition and before the results were announced. Everyone who played today came together for the group shot. Because just by getting up on stage to be judged everyone is a winner in their own way.
But there has to be one band that goes on to the next semi final. It was "Feet First".
Well done boys, I guess it's 24/7 rehearsals now then.

Rock on Dudes

Friday, April 21, 2006

Thursday 20th April 2006

Ok we can't really criticise you guys for deserting the club and going to watch Unity Favourites "Point of Origin", but what I've got to tell you is what you missed and you've missed it big time. First up tonight was the talented Charlie Alexander, who played a sublime set, which included old favourites like "The story of my life" and "Paper girl" and a few new ones.
Next up on the Unity stage, all the way from Cambridge, billed as a "punk" band but anything but, Panic Scene. Just three of them, but playing incredibly well together. They entertained us with hard and fast then slow and gentle, brilliant.
But this is what you really missed and you are going to kick yourselves from here to next year. because you missed the incredible "Eyelash" all the way from London. Those of you who came with us to London for Opaques Album launch gig will remember "Eyelash" was one of the support acts.They were brilliant. Tonight they were even better. They produced a master class on how it should be done. Despite the small audience they gave it everything, and those of us there to witness it, will never forget the undistilled energy, the showmanship, the fun. I am convinced that this band could go on tour just to demonstrate to up and coming bands what you need to do to entertain. Great songs, great talent, great look. You can't fault them.
Posted by Picasa
Now you know me I love "Point of Origin" I know tbey are going places. But tonight, just tonight, I am certainly glad I stuck around to experience the show that is "Eyelash".
Now if you're really good. And you behave yourselves. We may just be able to persuade them to come back. But it's going to take some persuading. It will be worth it I promise you. So start grovelling now. Send begging Emails. Plead with them. WE want a return gig. And next time don't miss it.You wont get a third chance.

Rock on mes enfants.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Week Ahead

Greetings angels and demons!!

It was a very busy week in the boro last week - with a vast a diverse array of events to tickle your fancy.

The news of the moment seems to be the huge illegal party that took place in RAF Wittering's disused missile bunkers over the Easter Bank Holiday. It seems a little ironic to me that a site that was used to store weapons of mass destruction with little or no complaint can stir up the sort of sentiments being expressed in the paper by local residents when people party on it for one weekend.

The party people unfortunately left a lot of rubbish on the site, which certainly won't help the media representation of the event or indeed the land itself (I'm informed that the police would not allow the partyers to clean up before they finally evicted them). Freedom comes with a social responsibility - you can't have one without the other.

Anyhow, lets have a look at the week ahead.


The Music Jam nights in Xoo Bar reach their third week, this time being guest presented by Moony from Opaque while James Chadwick is gigging at Ely Folk Club. Entrance to Xoo Bar is free and please bring your instruments and voices. Doors open at 8 pm.


This week Unity @ FIdds boasts a line-up of two out of town bands coming to the boro for the first time. Panic Scene are a punky band based in Cambridge, and Eyelash are a rock band based in the South of the country. The acoustic act for the night will be Charlie Alexander, returning to the Unity stage after a long break. The Unity Jam will start proceedings (doors open 8:30) and entrance is free before 9:15.

Muddy favourites Point of Origin are playing in Geneva's on Thursday night, with support from the lovely Irene Rae. Entrance is free and the POO crew will be funking it up from around 9pm onwards.


The Audio Collective continue their weekly residency in Lisboa on Friday night - bringing you a mix of hard dance, breaks and drum & bass to make you bounce through the hours of 8pm till 1am (with Lisboa's weekly reggae night starting at 1pm). Entrance is free.

The Drum Extravaganza returns to the Fidds on Fridau night courtesy of Neil (of The Hinge and Dr A's Blues Consortium), Thorin (The Contrast) and special guests. The night is a rare chance to see two full drum kits battling it out with percussion and occasional bits of bass to fill out the rhythm section. If you've not yet seen the drum extravaganza don't miss out - this is something special!


Lisboa is proud to host a one-off promotion run by dreadlocked Ben on Saturday night - the first night in the boro focused on squat style hard acid techno in a long time! Other music on offer will be dub and a mixture of bassline musics to make you vibrate. Sunday is Green Man Day (the pagan celebration of the symbol for nature traditional to these isles) and this is your chance to dance the Green Man into being in celebration of the shamanic drum beat that keeps the universe moving. Entrance is free.

System Abuse return to the Fidds on Saturday as well, bringing you their New Breed night - where up and coming drum & bass DJ's and MC's are put alongside successful System Abuse, Speed of Sound and Sensoo Alliance bods. Entrance is £3 and doors are 9 pm till 2am.


As the Green Man celebrations resonate across the Isles Lisboa hosts Sunday Skool, a session of dancefloor funk and soul designed to make you move and groove and wiggle yo' bad selves. Entrance to this event is also free and doors are 6pm till 1am.

....and finally

Keep a smile injected into the spiral of life - until next time: Peace love unity and respect to all sentient beings.

Stop Press

James Chadwick has denied everything. He claims now he is not the son of Satan. He is backtracking on the very words he himself wrote on this very site. Jody has hit a nerve and the boy is running. Only recently he admitted publicly that he bumped into a little old lady and didn't say sorry. Now he is claiming he is whiter than white. One day we will know the truth. He can't hide behind his boyish good looks for ever.
Here's the facts:
He head butted someone in, what he claims, was a loving fashion. Yeah right.
He bumped into a little old lady and didn't say sorry. Was he brought up or dragged up?
He is too good to be true.
Here at Unity central we are determined to find out the truth. Is James Chadwick really that nice or is he really the spawn of Satan?
The quest continues...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Band Of The Year Heat 5

Here we are at Band of the Year again. The competition is hotting up, with three new bands all vying for a place in the second semi final. The first band on stage today was "Car Crash Lullaby", great name, I'd vote for them just for the name alone, but that's not what it's about.We wanted a great sound, great riffs on the guitar, good vocals, and stage presence. We got it, the two guitarists bouncing off each other like they've been playing together for years. They had our feet tapping. Next up "Rigollo". What can I say? They're different. Light hearted but sometimes dark. I was reminded of the New Vaudeville Band, such a fun sound. Great drummer. Yes I know we sometimes forget the drummer being as he's stuck way at the back, but credit where it's due. For such a small band they produced a wall of sound a la Phil Spectre.
Oh my God! Do these guys know how to entertain. "Khalo". Full on thrash metal. Every member of the band giving it all. Top marks for stage presentation. In most bands there's always a Bill Wyman who stands at the back and just does his job, letting the others do the attitude. Everyone in this band gave it large. It's not often in a thrash metal band you get subtle harmonies, these guys managed it. Brilliant. If you like your music hard and fast you've got to check out these guys.
But there's always got to be a winner. There are never losers. Certainly not this week. We thank each and every artist for doing their best and, forgetting it was a competition, did their best to entertain.
This weeks winner was "Rigollo" who go on to the next semi final.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Band of the Year 1st Semi Final

There have been those who've entered the Band of the Year contest for the crack, for a bit of a laugh, they know they're not going to win, but Hey! Then something happens, they win a heat. Perhaps they didn't expect to. But someone somewhere took them seriously,the judges, the audience, all thought they were worth something. This seems to focus the mind and give them purpose, none less so than "First aid boy" the first act on stage today who have been practicing like mad and it shows. Much tighter more confident.
Point of Origin. With their unique blend of rap, funk, reggae, yet again blew the capacity audience away with another great performance.
Switch Theory. Another band who have been in the rehearsal room, getting it together, giving the whole night a much more professional feel. This was another band who'd improved on their first performance. Much more in the way of stage presentation and showmanship or showgirlship in the case of their guitarist, the poses the attitude and the tighter sound all working together to make a great entertainment package. Oh and they blew the PA system.

There's supposed to be winners and losers but tonight we only had winners. Each band taking the triumph of winning their heat and moving forward. We have to thank each band for giving maximum attitude and contributing to what was a great nights entertainment. The band that goes on to the final is "Point of Origin".

Friday, April 14, 2006

Thursday 13th April 2006

Here we are again at Unity and to start us off after the obligatory jam session is our good friend Tom O'Brien. I have to say he's getting better.He's obviously been practicing (a lot). Beautiful songs and guitar work impeccable, but still a little nervous. We should teach him the "Fuck it Factor". Just go for it Tom. We love you. ...and just because he's new on the scene, does that mean he gets less in the photographic stakes. NO! He gets the full Monty. Just like everyone else. Sing it like you mean it. We want to hear you. Pretend you're in the shower. Whatever. It's you on stage not anyone else. Fuck the rest of them just go for it.

That's what it's all about encouraging our new talent. But these next guys don't need any encouragement. They are supreme in their ability. Rehearsed to the nth degree, spot on in timing and attitude. I could go on but they just blew us away with a brilliant set. All the way from Cambridge, let me introduce "The Godfathers".
To finish the night of live entertainment, our good friends here at Unity, the very wonderful "John Doe". Ok a few tuning problems at first, but do they deliver? Yes they do.
That's it for now but don't forget Saturday night here it The Fidds, the semi final of Band of the year featuring our very own "Point of Origin". Ian Carey is doing the light and sound. It's going to be great. Don't miss it.

Rock on my dudes

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Week Ahead

Greetings gatherings of molecules

It's a very busy week for quality music events in Peterborough and the surrounding area this week so you can expect your eyes to have gone quite funny by the time you read as far as Friday. So without further ado here it is:


The acoustic scene in Peterborough is one of the most vibrant at this moment, with a vast wealth of local talent both established and emerging - so it's no surprise to find another weekly open mic evening opening for the first time this Tuesday. The event is taking place at The Comet (Dogsthorpe Road, near the Fire Station) and entrance is free. Bring your instruments and voices.
If you don't want the formality of open mic or are too shy to get up and play by yourself in front of a crowd then perhaps a trip to Goodbarns Yard St Johns Street is called for. Where Mike Da Hat's music club is moving into it's third year of existence. It's 8:30 onwards every Tuesday. It's not open mic, it's not even plugged in. It's a bunch of mates playing a few tunes and having a few beers. You don't get much more informal than this. Entrance is free


Two more open mic sessions on Wednesday:

Xoo Bar (in the basement downstairs from City & Counties Club) began hosting its Music Jam night with a very busy night last Wednesday. These night's are being hosted by James Chadwick - our area's young acoustic muso extraordinaire. Entrance is free.

Geneva's (next to Faith in the city centre) has been hosting regular Wednesday night open mic sessions for some years now. There is always a friendly atmosphere and if you perform a couple of tunes you get a free drink! Maybe check this one out before or after Xoo Bar.


Unity at Fidds has a fantastic line-up this week! Cambridge funksters Godfather are playing the Unity stage for the first time and have the Unity following very excited in anticipation. Also on the bill for the night are local boys John Doe who will pleasure the audience with alternative rock musings. Acoustic act for the night is promising young Tom O'Brien. As always the Unity Jam will begin the night. Entrance is free before 9:15 and £3 after.

In a very busy night for live music in the city, local heros Opaque are playing at Genevas on Thursday night as well. Music will kick off around 10pm and entrance is free.

If you've not had enough by 12pm on Thursday night and need a few more hours of diverse music and late drinking world-record breaking DJ Urb (System Abuse/Playskool/Unity) is continuing his late night residency at Lisboa (24 Lincoln Road). Entrance is free and doors remain open till 3am.

It's also time for the second instalment of Good Old Days - an old skool night at Limit. The event will feature a PA set by Mysticism and Jd's Kenny Ken, Rayan Gee, Loz, Julz & Screech and Bully. Entrance is £6 before 11pm and £7.50 after and doors are 9pm till 3am.


There is an all day live music event at Southgrove Community Centre , Woodston, providing a range of heavy bands both local and from further afield - including This Is Colour, Many Things Untold, Angels Cry, Khalo, Radicus, The Ruined and lots more. Doors open at 12:45 pm and tickets are £5 in advance or £6 on the door. Directions can be found at

If you fancy getting out of the city on Friday Irene Rae is taking her acoustic wonders to Cambridge for a gig at the Tram Depot. You can contact her via for more info.

For something a little more electronic for your Friday session the Audio Collective are in Lisboa again on Friday night bringing you a mix of hard dance, breaks and drum and bass. The event will run from 8pm till 1am (Lisboa's late reggae session continues till 5am) and entrance is free.


Fidds' Band of the Year competition reaches its first semi-final this weekend. The three bands competing for a place in the final this time around will be Point of Origin, Switch Theory and First Aid Boy. Doors are 8:30 till 2am and entrance this time around is £5 each. You get a chance to vote for one of the bands as part of your entrance fee.

Also on Saturday night ska gods The Gangsters are performing at Bogarts. Music will be roughly 9pm till 11pm and entrance is free.

Further out of town The Devil and his Sisters (a new punk band featuring current and former members of Moosejaw) are playing at The Rose and Crown in Somersham. Entrance is free.

On the electronic tip, SAS are running their monthly residency of deep house grooves at Limit on Satursday, Doors are 9pm till 4am.


Sunday is time for Deep Roots session of laid back grooves ranging from funk through electro through soul and jazz. Deep Roots takes place at Lisboa and entrance is free.

If you find yourself in London on Sunday please don't forget to check out James Chadwick, who is playing at Sun & Doves. Contact him via for more info.


Sleep. Recuperate. Rest. Recover. Reinvigorate. Rejuvenate. Heal.

....till next time.....

Spread peace love unity and maximum respect to all wherever you are.

See you on the flip side!


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Battle of the Bands - Heat 4

Welcome to The Fidds Battle of the Bands Heat 4. First on stage today in front of a packed crowd of enthusiastic music lovers were "Original Sin". A technically very competent band, the lead guitarist in particular showing formidable talent. I think they turned the volume up to eleven though.
Next on stage were "Breakfall". We were all very impressed with Break Fall, a great act, several of us were convinced we'd heard the winners.... until...
...Kooloak came on stage and blew us all away. Brilliant. Guess who won.
Yes that will be Koolak then. Sorry guys if I've spelt the name wrong. There's a shout box on the right if you want to put me right. It's easy to use.
But today was not just about winning or losing, today was about the music and the participation. The bands getting just as much support from the other bands as they were from the audience. This is what it's all about. To show all their solidarity every person who played on stage today, posed for a group picture (below). You may even spot one of the "Waheys" in the middle there.
Don't forget this Saturday the first semi final of the competition featuring our very own Point of Origin. Ian carey is promising us the full works with the light and sound system, so it should be excellent.

Rock on dudes

Friday, April 07, 2006

Thursday 6th April 2006

As usual we had a great time this week. To start us off after the Unity Jam was Chris Barrie, a Unity favourite.

We had a few cancellations this week, for reasons beyond our control but this was more than compensated for by the appearence on stage of "Pure". For energy and brilliance you'll have to go a long way to get better. It was the drummers birthday as well today. Happy Birthday Badger.
So to fill in for the cancelled bands Shaggy started off a set of his own but it was soon over run by all comers, including the lead guitarist of pure who played incredible imporovised lead breaks. Not forgetting Ian who sang his little heart out as did Richard and Abi and Jody (with a Y). And what night wouldn't be complete without a guest appearence of the one, the only, the incomparable, James Chadwick, just sit back and hear the roar of the crowd. He makes me sick with his talent. My niece married this guy who was so nice it was disgusting. When they got married I spent all the wedding reception grilling his friends to find any dirt on him. NO one can be THAT nice. It turned out he really was pure as the driven snow. Glowing testimonials all round. As soon as I find the dirt it will be dished, no one can be that nice. James you have been warned.
Tonights Guest Photographer was Gemma, another impossibly nice person.

Here's what she came up with. Actually she had some great shots of the band too, but we're limited to space. Her theme tonight,as is the case of each guest photographer was "paparazzi".

It seems the girls are doing better as guest photographers than the boys. So that's laying down the guantlet. So lets show them we can do better.Or as well.

Rock on dudes

Thursday, April 06, 2006

James Chadwick @ Xoo Bar

What a great night we had tonight. So much talent not least Mike Da Hat with his first live performance in over 18 months since he retired from live performance in favour of being a photographer. There's no photographic evidence of his awesome ability so you'll just have to accept it. But I got to play James Chadwicks guitar. I've got to tell you it's not as good as my Ovation. And he didn't head butt me after either.
So much talent in so short a time, everyone playing just two or three songs. Check out the shout box, I'm sure James will tell us who everyone was that we didn't recognise. But below you'll see Jules, Piper, James himself, and Irene Rae
Then the main man. James help me here.
Here's a few of you guys that turned up to support this great night. I had to miss Arsenal V Juventus for this. But I think it was worth it. We also had the full team from the Peterborough Evening Telegraph on the case that's Duncan Hall, Rachel Devlin (bottom right) and me.So look out on Saturday or Monday for the full coverage.
Rock on dudes

Peace love and Unity

Message from James Chadwick

Thanks Mike, and thanks to everyone for coming.
Photos left to right, top to bottom:

1st Montage:Palava, Vince, Liam Palava, Gaff Palava,
Nick Palava, Alan Pring, Vince again.

2nd Montage: myself twice, kate, piper, matt benattan reading poetry,
steven tanner, irene rae, jules morgan and finally


thanks to everyone for coming and making it amazing
- spectators you were also brilliant!
have a look at Patrick's website
J x

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

What's On This Week

Greetings two-legged animals!

There's a definite smell of summer on the way now - and that means festival season is nearly here! Don't forget to snp up your membership/tickets for the Grassroots Festival before they run out. If you are unsure of how to do this or would like more information regarding this event email

So what events are there to tickle your eardrums and make you skip about joyfully this week?

A new weekly acoustic/open mic night is beginning at Xoo Bar (underneath City and Counties club) on Wednesday night. The night is being hosted by the wonderful James Chadwick, who has arranged for special guest Patrick Briscoe to perform at the first. If you would like to play on the night just turn up with your instrument. Entrance is free and doors open at 8pm.

Unity at Fidds this week are showcasing a return perfomance from promising young acoustic artist Chris Barrie, as well as the Unity debut of fantastic young band Pure, who play the heavy end of rock music. The second band slot for the night has been left empty by an unfortunate cancellation, so expect some last minute surprises on the night. As always the Unity Jam will start proceedings (8:30 - 9:30) and entrance is free before 9:15).

Also on Thursday is the second of the Ptown Showcase nights at the Park ( brought to you by a collaboration between Vortex Promotions and Diesel City. Bands on offer this time around are Yello Snow, Khalo, Point Seven Pistol and Coach Calhoun. Doors open at 8:30 and entrance costs £3 - or £2.50 if you're lucky enough to have a flyer in your hand on arrival. The Soltice Band of the Year competition continues this week. I'm not sure of the entire line-up but can tell you it includes the fantastic Remote State. For the truly hardcore or simply unemployed amongst you, Urb (System Abuse/Playskool/Unity/Muddy Promotions/World Record holder) is hosting his late night afterparty sessions at Lisboa from 12am till 3am every Thursday. Music will be a diverse mix of grooves to move you - reggae, drum & bass, ska, hip-hop, breaks, house, techno, ragga, dancehall...........and lots more. Entrance is free.

The Soltice' Band of the Year competition continues this week. I'm not sure of the entire line-up but can tell you it includes the fantastic Remote State.

For the truly hardcore or simply unemployed amongst you, Urb (System Abuse/Playskool/Unity/Muddy Promotions/World Record holder) is hosting his late night afterparty sessions at Lisboa from 12am till 3am every Thursday. Music will be a diverse mix of grooves to move you - reggae, drum & bass, ska, hip-hop, breaks, house, techno, ragga, dancehall...........and lots more. Entrance is free.

If you can make it to Spalding on Friday The Annex is hosting a triple bill from Soretooth, Wake and Point Seven Pistol on Friday night. Always a pleasure to see these bands.

For a night out in the boro Contact are in the Fidds for their second night of experimental electronics and weirdy techno. Line-up this time around includes sk9 (static noise) Magic Lamp (live PA) D5 (Delsin - Digital Soul) Shaggy (Playskool - one off techno-trance set) Dapper Dan and T-Junky. Entrance is £3 and doors are 8:30 till 2am. Live visuals will be provided by Lukus, Instinct and Lee Mason.

It's time for another bout of filthy drum & bass courtesy of System Abuse at Limit. This time around the SA boys are proud to be bringing Temper D (Offkey/Renegae Hardware) with a 3 deck mix. Temper D will play alongside System Abuse's fantastic Khanange (Offkey) and the usual bunch of SA residents. There's also a 2 hour showcase of reggae and ska from SA's Urb and Playskool/Unity's Shaggy from 8 till 10. You can purchase advance tickets for £5 from Growsystems (Lincoln Road) or pay a little more on the door. Kick out is 4am.

It's time for another bout of Sunday Skool in Lisboa on Sunday - bringing you dancefloor funk and soul to make you gyrate with pleasure. Entrance to this event is free.

...and Finally
Until next time, don't forget to say thanks to Gaia under your feet and the Sun for giving you heat.

Peace love unity and respect.

Stardom by Proxy

You guys are going to have to forgive me because this technically isn't about Unity or music. But I need your help. I have been approached by a computer games company to provide photographs of a teenage boys bedroom. It's got to be a large room with all the regular bedroom furniture and teenage type posters on the wall. They will use the photographs as a template for part of a possible forthcoming computer game.
So I agreed to take on the commission without thinking, "what is it going to look like, a forty something photographer with camera in a teenage boys bedroom? And not end up on a police list."
It does not look good.
I was given a little back ground. The bedroom scene in this game is a boy looking at a poster and he gets sucked into it and so the adventure game begins. The boy has already been chosen and he has done the blue screen live action already. From after the poster bit he becomes a digital image and everything from then on is CGI.
So if you've a large bedroom that is typically a boys room and you want a bit of fame and glory, to say "That's MY bedroom in this game" contact me. Mike Da Hat. You yourself wont be in the game, just your room.
As an easy out, I suggested my own sons room, which is 8 by 12. It's too small apparently. So now I am forced to put it to you. You don't have to be an actual teenager. Your room just has to look that way.
Contact me. I don't really want to have to go door to door asking if I can photograph bedrooms. And I certainly don't want to end up on any police lists. You know what I'm saying.

Rock on dudes

Monday, April 03, 2006

Message From Opaque

Dear peeps of near and far,

Just the usual monthly Opaque update for you to slam dunk into your over filled recycle bin.

March was especially lovely because of Muddy promotions helping with our album launch and of course the huge mash up that was the Equinox Party last Saturday. Thanks to all of those who helped and of course all those who came and ensured that the party flowed like no other.

For those of you who haven’t felt the Muddy Promotions thang yet please come and party very soon. The GrassRoots Festival planned for June 23rd – 25th is sure to be sold out very soon so to those who we love, do hurry. There is a GrassRoots Art meeting this Sunday from 1pm at TheGlass Onion. If you would like to get involved in an even mix of seriousness and sillyness then please come armed with a big grin..

April sees us Launch of our new website . Huge thanks to Lee Mason (

We will of course be hitting the city dwellings in our usual hap hazard fashion with a couple of big shows in London that we will be putting a minibus on for if you fancy an opaque outing (see details below).

Many, many thanks to all of those who have been so inspirational to us recently.


April Gigs

Sat 1st Apr - Opaque & Jam (open mic) - Bogarts, P’boro

Thur 6th Apr - Opaque (Acoustic) - The Loft, Cambridge

Thur 13th Apr - Opaque - Geneva Bar, P’boro

Sat 15th Apr – Opaque – Man On The Moon, Cambridge

Sun 16th Apr – Opaque – Rock Garden - Covent Garden, London.

Thur 20th Apr – Opaque (Acoustic) + James Chadwick & Lunatic Crash.

The White Hart, 1 Mile End Road, Whitechapel, London.

Sun 23rd Apr - Opaque – Barfly, Chalk Farm Rd, Camden, London.

Fri 28th Apr - Opaque - Chequers, Peterborough.

Battle of the Bands - Heat 3

So here's Point Of Origins potential competition of the title of Battle of the Bands in Heat 3.
First up on stage this evening, Matter of Distance, who recently competed in the Solstice Battle of the bands competition.
Following them were Silent Ground.
Finally on stage the cryptically named "First Aid boy"
All the bands were of the heavy metal persuasion, All technically competent but it was a close thing between Matter of Distance and First Aid boy who's members all gave maximum attitude. Whereas Silent Ground, although their Guitarist and bassist were more than competant did not give themselves. In this business the name of the game is entertainment. There is no point standing like statues and expecting the audience to come round. Also if you feel the need to turn your back on the audience and the camera then you're in the wrong business. Full marks to Silent Grounds Lead vocalist, drummer and other guitarist. Matter of Distance like The Waheys in heat 1 were a fun band with lots of banter and interaction with the audience and like them, in another heat, could easily have won. But the prize this week went to First Aid Boy. Well done.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Battle of The Bands - Heat 2

So it's sunday afternoon at the Fidds and we are now at Heat two of the battle of the Bands. Point of Origin winning heat 1.
First on stage today Heavy Rock band "Capo Jr"Our good friend from Unity Paul Etherington was up next assisted by Piper on keyboard and wooden stool.
Finally we were treated to death metal warriors "Switch Theory" Look I'm sure their mothers still love them. They're from Wisbech you know.

and the winners are

Switch Theory.