Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pixie Skin 26-04-06

You've got to give credit where it's due Terena and Emma have been doing a great job promoting Pixie Skin every month. I've been to every one, and it gets better and better.
Tonight we had a wide variety of acts on stage along with the amazing art exhibits.
Ok from top left going clockwise we had Opaque performing an acoustic set, brilliant as always, then Kate doing a few songs, next we have a problem. John and Jonas who can't decide what they're going to be called it's either "Funky Jonas" or "The Freelance Priests" I'll wait until they decide, Stacy, what can I say? Brilliant as ever playing alongside the lovely Abi. Next continuing the religious theme we have "The Singing Monk" who he tells us was really a monk at one time, and finally on this montage Terena herself on tin whistle with her Daughter? Did I get that right?
Reprising their triumphant gig here a short while ago at the Muddy Promotions gig, "Tarantism" pared down to just two, played a brilliant set.
This is what you've been waiting for pics of all you lovely people who came to Pixie Skin. Amongst others our friend Ed Murphy who hates his photo being taken, John, Claire who has finally got out again, er... not from prison that is, but managed to get a baby sitter. Kizzy, Lisa, Elgin in the back ground somewhere, oh and lots more too numerous to mention. But you know who you are so that's OK then.
Don't forget tonight at Unity we have a change in line up, instead of "Remote State" who have reluctantly had to cancel tonights appearence, we have, at very short notice, the brilliant "Sacred heart" who are stepping out and stepping in to take over the slot. Don't miss it.

Rock on mes enfants

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