Saturday, February 03, 2007

BAND OF 2007 Heat 5

Heat 5 and we're on a roll, minus the Shagster who buggered off to cambridge being famous an all. First on stage in this heat was Sever the Wicked, always entertaining , always manic and of course they destroyed the stage, well who wouldn't.

Oh yes the good ol' boys Sacred Heart, pumping out solid rock for everyone to love.

Finally on stage, From St Neots, The Beautiful; Sleazy. It's not often that you witness something special, but tonight we did. This was just their fourth ever gig and you would never have guessed it. The crowd screamed for more. Now rules is rules and competition rules say no encores, but hey rules are there to be broken so they went on again.

Needless to say The Beautiful Sleazy won the day and go on to the next round.

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