Saturday, February 10, 2007

Band of 2007 Heat 6

Here at Unity things are hotting up in the heats. First on stage this week Our Mutual Friend. Now I wasn't a judge but if I were I'd be carlsberg judge for these guys. I thought they were pretty damned good. But what do I know?

Next up a last minute entry, I say last minute entry into the competition it was really eight hours. Death Metal boys "Final Epitaph". Now I'm not a huge fan of Death Metal, I stand their thinking I need a hearing aid because I can't make out the words. But it's got to be said these guys can actually play guitar and bass and as it happens the drummer was a bit tidy too.

Our final act of the night was Alpha Road who came all the way from Cambridge to compete, a bit nervous at first but soon settled into some decent tunes with words you could hear.

So I guess a few people were gutted and a few more very surprised by the result. The Death Metal combo Final Epitaph make it to the next round. But credit where it's due technically they were brilliant. Oh and young James Chadwick turned up to entertain us while the votes were being counted. So that's twice I've heard him tonight once on the radio and once live. Do you think he might be getting famous? We'd better put a stop to that right now.

Don't forget next week is the first of the semi finals with Pattern of Sin, End of the Day and Revenue. It's gonna be great I tells you.

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